Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion

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Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion

  • How Does it Work?: It is simple! Oil and Water do not mix. That means they're immiscible. When liquids are immiscible, the force of attraction between the molecules of the deferent liquids is less than the force of molecules of the same liquid. In other words, water molecules like sticking to other water molecules more than they do to oil molecules. Here the oil is dyed vibrant colors so the difference easily seen and fun to watch.
Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & MotionWestminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion
  • How Does it Work?: It is simple! Oil and Water do not mix. That means they're immiscible. When liquids are immiscible, the force of attraction between the molecules of the different liquids is less than the force of molecules of the same liquid. In other words, water molecules like sticking to other water molecules more than they do to oil molecules. Here the oil is dyed vibrant colors so the difference easily seen and fun to watch.
  • Liquid in motion create art or solid colors when flip the block around
  • Perfect for an office setting or if you need quick entertainment.


Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion

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Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion
Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion

Westminster 120333 Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion


Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion

  • How Does it Work?: It is simple! Oil and Water do not mix. That means they're immiscible. When liquids are immiscible, the force of attraction between the molecules of the deferent liquids is less than the force of molecules of the same liquid. In other words, water molecules like sticking to other water molecules more than they do to oil molecules. Here the oil is dyed vibrant colors so the difference easily seen and fun to watch.
Westminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & MotionWestminster Liquidity Color Rush Art & Motion
  • How Does it Work?: It is simple! Oil and Water do not mix. That means they're immiscible. When liquids are immiscible, the force of attraction between the molecules of the different liquids is less than the force of molecules of the same liquid. In other words, water molecules like sticking to other water molecules more than they do to oil molecules. Here the oil is dyed vibrant colors so the difference easily seen and fun to watch.
  • Liquid in motion create art or solid colors when flip the block around
  • Perfect for an office setting or if you need quick entertainment.

