Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown

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Germany 1928 College Set

  • Set of Rotring technical drawing pens+ Drawing Ink 
  • 1x fine lead mechanical pencil
  • 1x fine lead box
  • 1x eraser
  • 1x dual compass attachment 
Germany 1928 College SetGermany 1928 College Set
  • Rotring college set. Isograph technical drawing set. 8 ct. With 3 pens.
  • Content: set of technical drawing pens + drawing ink. 1 fine lead mechanical pencil, 1 fine lead box, 1 eraser and 1 dual compass attachment.
  • All in a keep organized case. Color: brown.
  • 1x eraser


Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown

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Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown
Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown

Rotring S0699370 Germany 1928 College Set, Brown


Germany 1928 College Set

  • Set of Rotring technical drawing pens+ Drawing Ink 
  • 1x fine lead mechanical pencil
  • 1x fine lead box
  • 1x eraser
  • 1x dual compass attachment 
Germany 1928 College SetGermany 1928 College Set
  • Rotring college set. Isograph technical drawing set. 8 ct. With 3 pens.
  • Content: set of technical drawing pens + drawing ink. 1 fine lead mechanical pencil, 1 fine lead box, 1 eraser and 1 dual compass attachment.
  • All in a keep organized case. Color: brown.
  • 1x eraser

